2nd Day at Sea

I can’t find Nov 2nd! It disappeared during editing and I’ve been unable to retrieve it! Grrr!

Tues Nov 3, 2015

2nd Day at sea


I am so lost for date and time. I have to keep checking! We’ve changed time zones every night, with several more to go….I think. I’M SO CONFUSED! My fuggy head isn’t helping. Kyle and I exchange drugs this morning. My Advil for her Claritin-D.

I had a little sushi for lunch. They have a nice sushi selection. Small, but nice. They were also serving Indonesians food in the Asian section today. The menu changes a little every day.

I’ve been drinking hot lemon and honey, but honey is in short supply. I grabbed two at breakfast and am using the 2nd now. There are none in the bin by the tea. I’ve seen people grab 3 or 4 at a time, so they disappear quickly.

I’m outback where it’s not really cold, just blustery…with intermittent rain showers. Grey and more grey all around! The ‘nice’ thing is that we’re sailing into the rain so there’s no blowing wet from the side when you’re on the back deck. It could be worse. High seas and rain, like before. So, I am happy as is!

From the looks of the food on the plates passing by, the weather hasn’t affected any appetites.

Just swallowed the last of the honey lemon concoction. Time to scout for more honey. Where’s Pooh when ya need him!


Victor and Rudy were happy to see me up and around, today. They were concerned I was ill and were quite pleased to have access to change my bedding, yet again. They saw that I’d used a whole box of Kleenex and left me a couple of new boxes. I am less drippy, which pleases me, too!  They are sweet guys. They are always singing and joking around. Kyle taught them a new ‘good morning’ song to replace the one they sing to all of us, every morning, when we pass by them.

I went up to the Explorations Café to get a coffee and use their computers to read the NY Times. Nothing of interest, there. But, they had 1 honey, in their bin, and I grabbed it! They also had some lovely little sweet treats in their display case, but nothing yelled out, ‘Eat me!’ I took my coffee out back where the weather was still mild, but cool and still very grey! I was warm enough while I had the hot coffee. It seemed to get much cooler after I finished it, forcing me back indoors.

I can’t decide if I’m too hot or too cold. I keep changing the temp in my room! It was too warm when I left and now it’s cold. I had to put my little booties on to warm my feet.

Michael, the cruise director…aka…the fun and games guy, is announcing that the $15,000 bingo game is about to start. Quick, get your cards and come play! There’s also the $148,000 Paradise lotto drawing, later, in the casino. Just $2 a game. I wonder if anyone ever wins these things? And, let’s not leave out the pub crawl. For $25 you can go from bar to bar and drink.


Dinner was just Kyle, Nancy and me so, dinner was rather quick. No long conversations between courses, with just 3 of us. Tomorrow we’re bringing one of our bottles of champagne…we have 2 left…to dinner. We just haven’t gotten around to drinking all of them. [I think I did earlier, but just in case, THANK YOU, Kim, for the bubbly.] We still have 3 bottle of wine to go thru, too. It’s worked out pretty well. Kyle and I have 2 different wine packages, so we have a bigger selection to choose from. If she wants a red from mine, have at it! If I want a white from her list, it’s all good.

And, I found more honey! I’m ‘hoarding’ 3 of them! Funny the things that become ‘important’! HA! Now I know I can have my lemon/honey drink in the morning.

TV isn’t tooooo bad, tonight. Pirate of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides…not the best of the series, but watchable.  RIPD, dead cops come back to capture other dead people? I haven’t figured out the [stupid] plot yet, but it’s a pretty hokey movie. Z is for Zachariah, or something like that…not a clue on this one! And, finally, This is Where I Leave You. I’ve seen it before. Not too bad. I’ll just read for a bit. At least there’s no time change tonight!

Nighty night!
















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